Monday, August 3, 2020

Two Fun Facts About Toads

(not one... but 2)

The Biggest Toad I've Ever Seen  

1. Toads are poisonous.  They have two glands on their backs called parotoid glands which have poison in them.  If pushed, white sticky stuff will come out, so, if you're going out on a walk, near a swamp, with your dog, make sure it doesn't put a toad in its mouth because it will make your dog very sick, or possibly even kill it.   At the bottom of this page, is a video that shows someone pushing a cane toad's parotoid glands.  It's kind-of cool, so you can check it out if you like.

Toad on a Toadstool- ha ha ha 

2. Toads' pee is toxic.  If you pick up a toad, it will take a deep breath in... and use the restroom on your hand.  A toad does this to make you drop it.  This pee is not harmful at all unless ingested.    

Click here to see a video of someone pushing a cane toad's parotoid gland.

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