Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Blog of American Bullfrogs

Male American Bullfrog

    The American Bullfrog is found through-out America.  According to the Virginia Herpetological Society, American Bullfrogs are native to central Florida, all the way up to southern Nova Scotia and west across the Great Plains,  possibly including Tamaulipas and northern Vera Cruz in northern Mexico.      
    They are tadpoles for three-four years (one year to grow back legs, two-three years to grow front legs, and about ten weeks to absorb its tail.)  After the female lays eggs, a male will guard the place, until they become tiny tadpoles.  American Bullfrogs have a clear sticky substance around their eggs, so predators can't eat them.  

American Bullfrogs will eat anything that they can fit in their mouth and that they can swallow.  So, yes, they eat other frogs and tadpoles.  

FUN FACT: The biggest frog in the world is the Goliath Bullfrog.  They live in western Africa.         

Male American Bullfrog
American Bullfrog Tadpoles

Male American Bullfrog

American Bullfrog (I can't tell the gender)


  1. Great story and pictures! Ribbit!

  2. Wow! We've learned so much again! 4 years as a tadpole...who knew?!

    The Barkleys are really enjoying reading these, Nick. Your pictures are fantastic!

  3. I love the pics! Who knew the American Bullfrog spent 4 years as a tadpol?!! That’s cool!

    1. We heard you were listening to bullfrogs croaking on the computer. You'll have to walk down to the pond with us one day to hear them!
